Texchange Membership
Dues &
Sponsorship InformationTexchange
offers multiple membership and sponsorship opportunities. All member
organizations and individuals are invited to attend sponsored events,
access collected knowledge from dinner roundtable discussions, and use
web and other organization resources. Members will also soon be able
to submit confidential questions or answers for member response or for
our monthly roundtable discussions.
and organizations may be considered for more than one membership or
sponsorship type:
Corporate Membership
Entrepreneur Membership
Initiatives Individual Membership
Affiliate Partnership
Community Partnership
Executive Sponsorship
Individual or General membership is Texchange's most basic form of
membership and applies only to individuals.
memberships are for technology industry corporations. Dues are
determined by the number of employees in the corporation. Corporate
membership entitles the corporation to send representative members to
Texchange events and to receive all membership communications. In
addition, corporate members will be listed on our website and in our
membership directory.
are the owners or creators of innovative initiatives submitted to
Texchange for review, comment, and aid. Texchange will sponsor a
limited number of Entrepreneurs. Sponsored Entrepreneurs can access
Affiliate Partners, attend all Texchange events, and individually run
for Texchange office.
memberships are for individuals with subject matter expertise in any
technology-related field. Triple-I members will have access to
Technology Entrepreneurs who have applied to the organization to
review and provide feedback on their innovative
initiatives. In addition, Triple-I members can run for office and
can participate in the External Advisory Council.
partnerships are for incubators, accelerators, service organizations,
financial organizations, and mentor organizations. Affiliate partners
can access sponsored Entrepreneurs and can
participate in the External Advisory Council. Affiliate partners also
attend events at a subsidized rate.
partnerships are for universities, government entities, and NGOs.
Community partners can co-brand activities with Texchange and access
General membership contact information. Community partners can also
participate in the External Advisory Council and attend events at a
subsidized rate.
Sponsorship is our most prestigious sponsorship option. Executive
sponsors may contribute to the development of, as well as distribute,
all Texchange materials, including white papers, benchmarks, research,
etc. Executive sponsors may also propose and participate in all
programs, hold positions in the organization's Board of Directors or
External Advisory Council, and display the Texchange logo on any
desired products and materials. Executive sponsors receive nomination
and voting privileges, and their company information will be included
on Texchange communicative materials. Executive sponsors also receive
all membership communications and can attend events at a subsidized
Annual Membership Dues:
Membership - $100.00
Other Memberships currently available by special arrangement. Please
contact us at [email protected]
to participate at these levels.